Accounting System
  • Report Type :
    - Each report module consists of 1 or more report types
    - Each report type can then be assigned to a set of independent report formats
  • report type
  • Customizable script-based financial report to allow maximum customization for financial reports.
  • All report formats are customizable by management (or users with proper access rights)
  • The following elements are available for use in each report:
    - Data components (Components which represents data processed by the module)
    - System variables (Components that represent system variable i.e. Print time, Page set, etc)
    - Labels (Text labels that is not affected by data)
    - Shapes (Design components like lines, boxes, circles, etc)
    - Picture (e.g. for company Logo, etc)
    - Barcode (Text can be converted into barcode from a variety of barcode standards i.e. Code 39, Code 128, Codabar, etc)


report format

Report Format

customer invoice listing

Customer Invoice Listing

customer receipt

Customer Receipt